News - Friends of Moneynick
2019/2020 School Year
11th Mar 2020
Considering the ongoing developments and advice about public gatherings, the Friends...
6th Mar 2020
Preparations are well underway for our Saint Patrick's Day Celebrations on Sunday...
29th Feb 2020
The Friends of Moneynick invite you to attend their Saint Patrick's Day Céilí...
27th Feb 2020
This morning we welcomed into our school community the newly elected Chairperson...
24th Feb 2020
Irish eyes were smiling as we began our Irish dancing classes today in preparation...
5th Feb 2020
Friends of Moneynick invite you to attend their AGM on Thursday 6 February at 7pm....
1st Feb 2020
Friends of Moneynick invite you to attend their AGM on Thursday 6 February at 7pm....
31st Jan 2020
Well done to our January winner.
Friends of Moneynick were delighted to present...
29th Jan 2020
Friends of Moneynick randomly selected your numbers for the 30 Club Monthly Draw....
- All
- Homepage
- Year 1/2/3
- Year 4/5
- Year 6/7
- Accelerated Reading Awards
- Afterschool Clubs
- Ard Na Grainde
- Cumann na mBunscol
- Ditch the Dark
- Ditch the Stabilisers
- Eco News
- Friends of Moneynick
- Fundraisers
- June Jogathon
- Learning Through Play
- Literacy
- Mascot Memories
- Monthly Draw
- Numeracy
- Online Safety
- Post-Primary links
- Pupil of the Month
- Recognition of School Values Cup
- Religion
- Rights Respecting School
- Roots of Empathy
- School Council
- Shared Education
- Sustrans
- Take 5 - Be Active
- Take 5 - Connect
- Take 5 - Give
- Take 5 - Keep Learning
- Take 5 - Take Notice
- Take 5 Steps into Christmas
- The Daily Mile