Access Keys:

Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

Take Notice

Stop, pause, or take a moment to look around you. What can you see, feel, smell or even taste? Look for beautiful, new, unusual or extraordinary things in your everyday life and think about how that makes you feel.

Research has shown that being trained to be aware of senses, thoughts and feelings over 8-12 weeks has resulted in improved wellbeing for several years2. Being aware of what is taking place in the present leads to a more positive state of mind. Heightened awareness enhances an individual’s self-understanding and allows an individual to make choices in alignment with his/her own values and intrinsic motivations. Perhaps, unsurprisingly, research into actions that aim to enhance wellbeing have similarly found that goals for behaviour change need to be aligned with personal values to be successful.



20th Feb 2025
Introducing our Flahavan's Athletics NI finalists who will represent Moneynick Primary...
19th Feb 2025
Our Primary 7 class were selected as the winners of the recent art competition centred...
17th Feb 2025
Important information for parents.