ETI Inspection Reports

The Education and Training Inspectorate conducted a three-day inspection from Monday 25 – Wednesday 27 November 2024. During the inspection they completed 9 full lesson observations and 2 drop in observations assessing all classes and teachers.
During their visit they analysed the 5 key questions which are central to the new inspection model and from their observations of lessons, discussions with pupils, parents, governors, co-ordinators, leaders and teachers they concluded that all areas of the inspection were highly effective across the 5 key questions.
Moneynick Primary School will continue to liaise and work alongside the ETI to share examples of our highly effective practice from which others may learn. The aspect of practice which should be shared more widely is:
• the forging of a meaningful, wide-ranging community of learning which enriches the children’s learning experiences and enhances their holistic development within a rural context.
I am extremely proud of the pupils and staff of Moneynick, their engagement, enthusiasm and work ethic. A school inspection is a defining moment in education and as a staff we are truly delighted with the summary of conclusions and our final report.
Mrs Fiona McConway (Principal)