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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

🌟St Mary’s Grammar Cross Country Success🌟

16th Jan 2025

St Mary’s Grammar School Magherafelt, kindly invited us to attend their annual Primary Schools’ Cross Country Competition for Primary 6 and 7 pupils. Eleven of our pupils paced themselves across 4 individual races displaying resilience, motivation and determination. You represented me, your families and our entire school community with pride, never giving up today or during our training sessions at Erins Own GAC Cargin. We express our appreciation also to parents and family members who came to support us today and over the past weeks. A round of applause for our pupils who placed in their races!

🥈Primary 6 Girls’ 2nd Place Winner - Laura
🥇Primary 6 Boys’ 1st Place Winner - Liam
🥉Primary 7 Girls’ 3rd Place Winner - Jenna
🥉Primary 7 Boys’ 3rd Place winner - Charlie
1/3 of medals claimed during todays event!

Thank you to St. Mary's Grammar School, Magherafelt PE Department for a brilliant day! More to come later from a mega day at Moneynick!
@Daily Mile Network Ni