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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

Marvellous Micro:bits

11th Jun 2024

The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer designed to inspire creative thinking in children. It can be programmed in many different ways and has multiple uses.

Through the micro:bit, children are encouraged to explore ideas using real code. The device provides an authentic experience of the interaction between hardware and software and gives children practical computer knowledge. Using it, they can see how what they do with the code on-screen has a direct impact on the device they're holding in their hand.

The hardware

The micro:bit hardware has been developed since it was created in 2015, with the current iteration (V2) boasting enhanced features which will play a part in our new campaign.

The device contains a range of sensors, connectors, and inputs that offer multiple ways of using the device. These features include:

  • An LED display that also doubles as a light sensor
  • An accelerometer that detects motion and movement
  • A microphone and a speaker
  • Radio and Bluetooth connectivity
  • Input buttons and a touch sensor
  • Connecting pins that allow it to be slotted into compatible devices or wired into a circuit

Primary 4-5 have worked on a micro:bit project linked with their theme ‘Prove It’. They coded pictures and words using the led display.