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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown
Primary One Admissions 2025 The EA's Admission Portal for Primary One is now open and will close on Monday 27th January at 4:00pm.   If you wish to visit our school again or for the first time, please feel free to contact us on 02879650331 or and we will arrange a suitable time for you and your family.
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Multisensory Learning

27th Feb 2024

Multisensory learning is all about encouraging learners to use more than one of their senses when taking in new information. This learning style promotes using activities that appeal to our visualauditorykinaesthetic and tactile senses. 

The teaching of phonics should include a broad range of multisensory activities. Activities that employ several senses and techniques will support memory. Changing up the activities will keep interest high and make the learning enjoyable.

Here are some useful strategies. As well as being terrific tools to teach common high frequency words, they are also excellent ways of supporting phonics. 

1. Moving and Exchanging Letters

Words can be built using magnetic or scrabble letters. This way, memory links for particular words and how words relate to each other words is formed.

2. Playdough

Some children have greater success in learning whole words by ‘building’ playdough words. Choosing a variety of colours adds extra fun.

3. Glitter, sequins, sand and pom-poms 

Some children like to use their sense of touch to create letters and spell words.

4. Various writing tools

Chalks, slate, paper, card, whiteboards, pencils, markers and paint add extra colour, texture and experience. 


Multi Sensory techniques are used daily in school to enhance our multi-sensory learning.