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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown
Open Morning 2025 Please join us on Friday 10th January 2025 from 9:30am - 11:00am to experience our positive learning environment, view our excellent facilities and meet our dedicated staff. [Open Image]
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27th Oct 2017

On Wednesday of this week Ivor Goodsite paid a visit to our school with two of his colleagues from Farrans. Ivor works on the building site of the new A6 Road which stretches behind our school. Ivor came to deliver a message to all of our pupils

Building sites are all around us - there may even be one close to your house and there is one very close to our school. We must remember, that although they may look exciting and fun to play in, they can be very dangerous places… especially for children.

When Ivor is not working, he regularly visits schools to teach children about the dangers that can be found on building sites, and how to stay safe by staying away. The pupils of Moneynick learned a lot from Ivor on Wednesday.

Thank you to the Farrans crew for providing this vital information for our school community. We will listen to Ivor's good advice and stay away from building sites.

If you want to find out more visit: