Eel Fishery Visit
11th Oct 2017
The Y4&5 pupils are having a rEELy great time with their theme, the Blue Planet. They are learning all about the journey an eel makes, from the Sargasso Sea to Lough Neagh!
Off they went for a visit to the Eel Fishery in Toomebridge to find out as much as they could about Eels. It was an interesting plaice and they had a whale of a time. They asked many questions and received lots of fishy answers.
The staff of the Eel Fishery sardinely made our Moneynick pupils very welcome. The children even found out how you can tell the age of an eel.
A big thank you to the Eel Fishery- we had a super time.
We've been herring rumours that some of our pupils were codding around - but we're sure that's not true.
Q: How many fishy puns can you find?