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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown


20th Oct 2021

Using ICT (Information and Communications Technology), along with Communication and Using Mathematics, is one of the three statutory Cross-Curricular Skills that form part of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. Across the curriculum, at a level appropriate to their ability, pupils should be enable to develop skills in Using ICT.

The curriculum requirements for Using ICT are set out under the headings of Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit referred to as the 5E’s. Explore contains the requirement that pupils should ‘investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tools’. Primary teachers can use programming and computational thinking classroom activities to address this requirement.

CCEA also advise that statutory Using ICT requirements in primary schools in Northern Ireland can be aligned to a proposed CCEA digital skills pathway for learners.

These are:

  • Becoming a Digital Citizen
  • Becoming a Digital Worker
  • Becoming a Digital Maker

It is within the ‘Becoming a Digital Maker’ strand that the elements of programming, computational thinking and computing are housed. Logical and structured options include pupils exploring coding and programming through interaction with different types of languages and devices.

Primary 4 and 5 have been exploring coding using beebots, Scratch and Turtle. They are learning to use coding vocabulary e.g. loop, command and debug.  Coding also allows the development of ‘Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities’ essential elements of our ICT curriculum.