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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown
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🏀Basketball Coaching🏀

12th Sep 2024

What are the benefits of sports?

1. School sport improves self-esteem

Participating in school sports can improve pupils’ self-esteem and help them feel better about themselves. Having physical education in the school curriculum allows children from a young age develop the social skills to work with other teammates, make new friends and learn how rewarding it is to participate in team sports.

The self-confidence pupils gain from participating in sports and physical education carries over to other areas of their lives, such as academic studies and personal relationships.

2. Physical education helps inspire teamwork and forge leadership skills

Participating in physical education helps school-age children learn social skills, build relationships with other teammates, make new friends, and learn how to engage in friendly competition. Team sports provide an opportunity for pupils to practice working together towards a common goal whilst helping them develop leadership skills. Working together as a team encourages co-operation, strengthens communication skills, and teaches problem-solving. It also allows pupils to experience success as an individual and as part of a collective team.

3. Having sport on the school curriculum encourages healthy habits

Regularly participating in physical education helps pupils learn the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle for their mental and physical health. Plus, having sports on the school curriculum may encourage children to become physically active adults later, as they’re aware of exercise’s many benefits for a healthy body and mind.

4. As well as helping a child’s physical health, sport helps reduce stress

In addition to physical education being brilliant for physical health, school sports can also be great for a pupil’s mental health. Participating in physical education as part of the school curriculum is a chance to take a break from any stress. School sports allow pupils to focus on having fun and being in the moment with their other teammates without having to worry about anything else.

5. A good sports education helps with concentration

Having sports on the school curriculum can help improve the concentration of pupils throughout the day. Physical activity has been suggested to increase dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which impacts the brain’s ability to concentrate on tasks. Therefore, physical education at school can help pupils beyond improving their social skills and physical health, positively impacting their academic education.

Ultimately, school sports will benefit young people’s education as it will impact their overall enjoyment of their time in school and lets them focus more during lessons; potentially resulting in better academic performance.

Mrs McKeever will deliver Basketball training afterschool every Thursday. Pupils can learn new skills, develop their hand to eye co-ordination and build new friends. We were astonished at the effort and potential on display today, we certainly have a group of very talented pupils.