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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown
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Anti-Bullying Week

10th Nov 2020

United Against Bullying

Anti-Bullying Week is happening from Monday 16th – Friday 20th November and has the theme ‘United Against Bullying’. It is coordinated by the Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum (NIABF). This year, more than ever, we’ve witnessed the positive power that society can have when we come together to tackle a common challenge. Bullying has a long-lasting effect on those who experience and witness it. There are many ways to get involved with Anti-Bullying Week. We will begin with Odd Socks Day on Monday 16 November.

On this day we would like all children to arrive to school in odd socks of their choice.

Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It is an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate their uniqueness. 

The children will also take part in a range of anti-bullying lessons throughout the week with their class teacher.


UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Article 6: 

Every child has the right to life. Governments must do all they can to ensure that children survive and develop to
their full potential.