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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

News - Year 1/2/3

14th Sep 2024
Afterschool clubs are an important part of our wraparound care. Mrs McKeever our...
13th Sep 2024
Sunshine + friends + Moneynick play yard = oodles of fun 💕
13th Sep 2024
A fine morning to connect our learning outdoors. Primary 1 gathered natural materials...
6th Sep 2024
We have had a wonderful week in Primary 1-3 as we welcomed our new friends and meet...
6th Sep 2024
One of the newest members of our school family made the Mid Ulster Mail news with...
2nd Sep 2024
Welcome to our Primary 1 Class of 2024We wish them every success in their future...

2023/2024 School Year

21st Jun 2024
Our annual picnic took place today. We provided the pupils with their favourite sandwich,...
20th Jun 2024
This term our pupils have been developing skills in coding using bee bots. Completing...
19th Jun 2024
Our main literacy focus on our School Development Plan was the introduction of creative...
6th Jun 2024
A wonderful day to think outdoors.