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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

News - Year 1/2/3

2023/2024 School Year

30th May 2024
Connecting with our past, living the present and dreaming of the future, describes...
24th May 2024
A massive congratulations to our Primary 1 pupil who was highly commended in the...
22nd May 2024
Today we had a welcomed visit from our local PSNI neighbourhood Police Officers,...
29th Apr 2024
We are always delighted and excited to celebrate weekend achievements with our school...
29th Apr 2024
What an outstanding performance! Reciting 'Night Fright' by Marian Swinger his composure,...
26th Apr 2024
Today our Primary 2 pupils explored maths using our numicon resources. This allowed...
26th Apr 2024
Congratulations to our Primary Two superstar who delivered a confident performance...
18th Apr 2024
Batteries + leads + bulbs + buzzers + motors = STEM teaching and learning.
27th Mar 2024
A popular after school activity with all our classes. Last day Wednesday 10 April.
27th Mar 2024
Our Lenten Trócaire collection raised £351.60. Well done everyone,...