2020/2021 School Year
24th May 2021
Our Eco-School Councillors voted to install a recycling clothes bin. They aim to...
24th May 2021
Another target successfully achieved. #anditisonlyMonday
22nd May 2021
Congratulations to the boys and girls in Primary 4 who made their First Holy Communion. First...
20th May 2021
A triple success this week. Well done on achieving your Reading Target!📚
15th May 2021
We have welcomed back our Five Star GAA coach. Working in their class bubbles the...
14th May 2021
Pupil well-being aims at promoting good physical and mental health. During Mental...
14th May 2021
Congratulations to our Primary 7 class who received the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament...
13th May 2021
Find attached updated information from Mr Weir, Education Minister.
13th May 2021
“Northern Ireland Does The Daily Mile” is a virtual mass participation...
13th May 2021
Please see the attached flyer for more details on the second session of Parentline...
- All
- Homepage
- Year 1/2/3
- Year 4/5
- Year 6/7
- Accelerated Reading Awards
- Afterschool Clubs
- Ard Na Grainde
- Cumann na mBunscol
- Ditch the Dark
- Ditch the Stabilisers
- Eco News
- Friends of Moneynick
- Fundraisers
- June Jogathon
- Learning Through Play
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- Mascot Memories
- Monthly Draw
- Numeracy
- Online Safety
- Post-Primary links
- Pupil of the Month
- Recognition of School Values Cup
- Religion
- Rights Respecting School
- Roots of Empathy
- School Council
- Shared Education
- Sustrans
- Take 5 - Be Active
- Take 5 - Connect
- Take 5 - Give
- Take 5 - Keep Learning
- Take 5 - Take Notice
- Take 5 Steps into Christmas
- The Daily Mile