2020/2021 School Year
13th Aug 2020
Find attached the letter Mr Peter Weir Education Minister published for Parents...
12th Aug 2020
Parentline NI are delivering free sessions on anxiety for parents. These sessions...
10th Aug 2020
Updated information from the Public Health Agency. This information has also been...
10th Aug 2020
The theme for Week 11 (Mon 10 - Fri 14 August) for the HSENI Child Farm Safety Poster...
6th Aug 2020
An excellent website to access fun activities and advice for parents. Challenge...
5th Aug 2020
The theme this week (Mon 3 - Fri 7 Aug) for the HSENI Child Farm Safety Poster Competition...
5th Aug 2020
The Safeguarding Board Northern Ireland (SBNI) has produced a booklet to help us...
2nd Aug 2020
The letter attached outlines a timetable for our return to school and a number of...
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- Ditch the Stabilisers
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- Take 5 - Connect
- Take 5 - Give
- Take 5 - Keep Learning
- Take 5 - Take Notice
- Take 5 Steps into Christmas
- The Daily Mile