2020/2021 School Year
16th Oct 2020
Congratulations to our First Holy Communion class of 2020.
Thank-you to everyone...
15th Oct 2020
The pumpkins have arrived and gone home - it is over to you now. Be creative, carve,...
13th Oct 2020
All across Ireland pupils in both Primary and Secondary Schools are celebrating...
10th Oct 2020
Primary 5-7 pupils have made an exceptional effort to complete work remotely using...
9th Oct 2020
World Mental Health Day 2020 is the most important one yet.
This year has been...
9th Oct 2020
There are a number of recruitment opportunities available in our school. Contact...
1st Oct 2020
The current Primary Five children will celebrate their First Holy Communion on Friday...
1st Oct 2020
"The legacy of a hero is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great...
1st Oct 2020
Free unlimited support for ALL Parents and Carers throughout NI.
Please call...
30th Sep 2020
On a recent visit to Mrs Mallon's class I explained to the youngest members of our...
- All
- Homepage
- Year 1/2/3
- Year 4/5
- Year 6/7
- Accelerated Reading Awards
- Afterschool Clubs
- Ard Na Grainde
- Cumann na mBunscol
- Ditch the Dark
- Ditch the Stabilisers
- Eco News
- Friends of Moneynick
- Fundraisers
- June Jogathon
- Learning Through Play
- Literacy
- Mascot Memories
- Monthly Draw
- Numeracy
- Online Safety
- Post-Primary links
- Pupil of the Month
- Recognition of School Values Cup
- Religion
- Rights Respecting School
- Roots of Empathy
- School Council
- Shared Education
- Sustrans
- Take 5 - Be Active
- Take 5 - Connect
- Take 5 - Give
- Take 5 - Keep Learning
- Take 5 - Take Notice
- Take 5 Steps into Christmas
- The Daily Mile