2020/2021 School Year
27th Jan 2021
A special milestone was achieved today by one of our pupils who became the first...
27th Jan 2021
Fr Eddie McGee invites our school family and parish community to celebrate mass...
26th Jan 2021
Dear Parents and Friends,
If you have any younger children who will be requiring...
23rd Jan 2021
Wellbeing Wander
Sustrans latest home learning activity, the ‘Wellbeing...
23rd Jan 2021
Catholic Schools’ Week is being celebrated this year from Sunday...
15th Jan 2021
Play is the highest form of research - Albert Einstein
Children learn when they...
15th Jan 2021
Updates from RISE NI to help support parents and pupils participating in remote...
15th Jan 2021
Congratulations to our Primary 5, 6 and 7 pupils. They have collectively answered...
14th Jan 2021
Sustrans are kicking off the first home learning activity with a dinosaur...
11th Jan 2021
We are unable to hold an Open Day for parents of children due to begin school in...
- All
- Homepage
- Year 1/2/3
- Year 4/5
- Year 6/7
- Accelerated Reading Awards
- Afterschool Clubs
- Ard Na Grainde
- Cumann na mBunscol
- Ditch the Dark
- Ditch the Stabilisers
- Eco News
- Friends of Moneynick
- Fundraisers
- June Jogathon
- Learning Through Play
- Literacy
- Mascot Memories
- Monthly Draw
- Numeracy
- Online Safety
- Post-Primary links
- Pupil of the Month
- Recognition of School Values Cup
- Religion
- Rights Respecting School
- Roots of Empathy
- School Council
- Shared Education
- Sustrans
- Take 5 - Be Active
- Take 5 - Connect
- Take 5 - Give
- Take 5 - Keep Learning
- Take 5 - Take Notice
- Take 5 Steps into Christmas
- The Daily Mile