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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown


2019/2020 School Year

6th Feb 2020
Thank you for the support with the book fair. Everyone is having a mega time browsing...
5th Feb 2020
Friends of Moneynick invite you to attend their AGM on Thursday 6 February at 7pm....
4th Feb 2020
A great start to a New Year and decade, for our January Pupils of the Month. A big...
4th Feb 2020
Duneane and Moneynick: Partners in Learning hosted an Internet Workshop for our...
3rd Feb 2020
Moneynick Primary School are proud to announce that we received our Safe School...
1st Feb 2020
Friends of Moneynick invite you to attend their AGM on Thursday 6 February at 7pm....