Access Keys:

Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown
Primary One Admissions 2025 The EA's Admission Portal for Primary One is now open and will close on Monday 27th January at 4:00pm.   If you wish to visit our school again or for the first time, please feel free to contact us on 02879650331 or and we will arrange a suitable time for you and your family.
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The Friends of Moneynick

Moneynick Primary School receives tremendous support from our parents, friends and staff members through our PTA, The Friends of Moneynick. The Friends of Moneynick are a continued support network which seeks external grants to provide funding for additional iPads, class resources and to raise funds for example to help with school trips. Moneynick Primary School appreciates the support of our school community allowing their annual fundraisers and events to be successful.

The Friends of Moneynick encourage new members to join in raising funds to benefit our school and its pupils - so come along to our meetings! Everyone Welcome! Let's fund our future.


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