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Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

For the past two years Moneynick Primary School have had a mutually beneficial relationship with our friends at Ard Na Grainde Residential Home. While their residents enjoy the songs, stories, crafts and games our visits bring our pupils learn the vital qualities of compassion, patience and understanding. This year we partnered with Linking Generations NI for their Intergenerational Christmas PHA Campaign.

The LGNI vision is that 'Northern Ireland will be a place where all generations are respected, understood, connected, and engaged together in their communities. To achieve this, we offer opportunities to bring generations together in lots of different places for lots of different reasons. We work at three levels: bringing generations together in communities, influencing and supporting intergenerational practice within organisations and using our evidence to influence policy.'

We believed that this PDMU inspired provision for our pupils will empower and support the growth of an age-friendly society, creating pupils who are confident and compassionate members of our community.

We extend a massive thank you to the staff and residents of Ard Na Grainde for being so welcoming of our visits and value our continued partnership.

Our Ard Na Grainde Friends
20th Dec 2024
Linking Generations
19th Dec 2024
Linking Generations
12th Dec 2024