Access Keys:

Moneynick Primary School, Randalstown

April 2021 June 2021
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sat 1

Sun 2

Mon 3
May Holiday (School Closed)
Tue 4
School Holiday
Wed 5
School Holiday
Thu 6
School Holiday
Fri 7
School Holiday
Sat 8

Sun 9

Mon 10

Tue 11

Wed 12

Thu 13
GAA Five Star Coaching (Staggered Bubbles)
Fri 14
Confirmation 2021 (Our Lady of Lourdes Church Moneyglass at 12 noon)
Sat 15

Sun 16

Mon 17

Tue 18

Wed 19

Thu 20
GAA Five Star Coaching (Staggered Bubbles)
Fri 21
First Holy Communion (Sacred Heart Church Cargin at 10am)
Sat 22

Sun 23

Mon 24

Tue 25

Wed 26

Thu 27
GAA Five Star Coaching (Staggered Bubbles)
Fri 28
Pupil of the Month
Sustrans Event (Northern Ireland does the Daily Mile)
Primary 1 and Primary 7 School Photos (9-11 am ( Class Bubbles Apply))
Top Ten Mathletes
Sat 29

Sun 30

Mon 31
May Holiday (School Closed)